What Have I Got Myself Into Now?

Last year about this time, my baby brother was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblasitc Leukemia.  After a year of treatments, nasty infections, hospital stays, and many other fun side effects, he is in remission!  God is good!  The next step in his process is to receive a bone marrow transplant.  This will prevent the cancer from coming back because it is not a matter of "if" it will return, it is "when" will it return.  We were told the best chance for a donor match was with siblings, so my sister and I stepped up and got our blood drawn and sent it off to Chicago to see if either of us would be a match for him. 
Turns out, I am a match!  Of course, it was never a question whether or not I would donate.  When they found a hospital that would accept his insurance, it was time to start his testing.  It was then that we found out there was still cancer cells in his bone marrow so he had to be admitted to the hospital to receive some more medicine to kill the cancer cells.  After 9 days, he came home with a pump administering more of the same medicine for 3 more weeks.  After that, he received another bone marrow biopsy and we found out that he was at last cancer free!  Next, it was my turn to get testing done to make sure I am healthy enough to donate.  So, a couple weeks ago, my sister took my brother and I up to Chicago to get my tests done.  My first stop was the Apheresis Department to have my veins checked to see if I have veins good enough to collect from or if a central line would have to be placed.  I found out that I have good veins!  The next stop was the lab for some blood tests, chest x-ray, urinalysis and an EKG before meeting with my transplant doctor.  The doctor was a little concerned about my heart condition and wanted a letter from my cardiologist stating that I can donate with no problems.

As my tests started coming back, there were a few tests that I was going to need to have redone in a few days because some levels were elevated for some reason or another.  I got those done and the cardiologist signed off.  My brother has also been getting some additional testing and he and his wife had to take a class to prepare them for after the transplant.

Prior to finding out that I was a match to donate, I had done my own research on what the process entailed and spoke to a friend that has donated to his brother.  I knew that for 4 days prior to the transplant I would get injections 2 times a day and on the 5th day of injections, they would start the collection of my stem cells.  This process will take 2 days for 4 hours each day. I planned to head to Chicago the night before the transplant and stay in a hotel 2 nights and head home after day 2 of the transplant.   I had my ex lined up to keep our 4 kids and my older 2 kids were going to keep the baby in Chicago while I was at the hospital and we could hang out while I wasn't at the hospital.    I was feeling pretty secure in my decision to donate.  Was I scared? Not really. Nervous? Maybe just a little!

Last week while my brother was at the doctor for his class, he text me to tell me that, for insurance reasons, I was going to have to be in Chicago for the injections.  This will require me to take a week off work and stay in a hotel for 6 days. While this little hiccup is an inconvenience for me, it is nothing compared to what my brother has been through and will continue to go through after the transplant.

If you are interested in coming along for the process, stay tuned as I will be doing updates during the next few weeks as we prepare for the transplant.  If you are interested in donating to my brother's fundraiser for his expenses, click here.

Shapermint Review

I'm sure you have all seen the ads for the Shapermint shaper undies that are all over Instagram and Facebook.  They make hiding the bulge look so easy!

I decided to buy a pair to check them out for myself since I have put back on some of the pounds I lost last year.  I ended up getting one pair of the shorts like these:
Shapermint: Empetua Ultra-Thin High-Waisted Shaper Panty - Body Shaper Black

I have tried both styles of shapers before in other brands and have never been happy with any.  They are usually so tight that they are not comfortable and they seem to push the extra fat out the top and bottom like a busted can of biscuits!  The last pair of shorts that I had were made of some sort of sandpaper and made the most gawd awful sound when I walked and I was sure I would start a fire down in my nether regions. So I thought the panty style would be better, since the only thing rubbing would be my thighs.  This much was true, but my hips would have a huge line of demarcation where the fat would push out under it.  The seams were also so thick that when I sat for too long, they would cut into my bum.

All that being said, I did not hold out much hope for these shapers.  I wear a size 12 pants usually and I ordered a size M/L based on their size chart but fully expected them to be too small.  They even looked too small when I pulled them out of the package.  I was shocked when they fit!  They are very thin and comfortable.  I was worried how they would feel since they come up so far but they felt great!

Here are some photos for you.  (Don't judge, these were after a very long day at work, a curious 2 year old peeking in and my 7 year old as photographer)


With the Shaper Panty


With Shaper Shorts

This is an example of the shorts in the most unforgiving and unflattering skirt ever made in the worst color possible.  I just wanted to show how seamless the shorts look under it.

I have read some of the negative reviews on Amazon where most of them are complaints that they roll down or not doing what the ad promises.  All I can say to that is that I have not had a problem with the rolling down yet.  As far as not doing what is promised, I don't expect to put on a pair of underwear and instantly look like a size 2 instead of 12!  I am happy with how my new $5 Limited dress looks with them better than without though!

"come on mom, lets go play now"

So to summarize, I am happy with them and I would recommend them as long as you have realistic expectations and follow the sizing charts.

Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer them!

This page contains affiliate links to products I recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. 

Yes, I did take another foster child....

... and no, I have not lost my mind.....yet.

Before my husband and I split, I found out that there was a very good chance that the mother to our 4 other children was pregnant again.  Knowing that my relationship with my husband was not in a good place, and to say we were in financial ruin would be an understatement, so taking another baby was out of the question.  I went on with life and put the possibility of another baby out of my mind.  Fast forward a couple months to the summer.  I had been in contact with the birth dad of 2 of the kids and he confirmed that the mom was pregnant and due in December.  I wasn't shocked but the waves of emotions I felt was overwhelming.  Naturally, I did what I always do when I am overwhelmed with a life changing decision, I avoided it!  If I am being honest, I thought about it every day.  Deep down in my heart I knew I would take the baby but in my brain, I would go through all the logical reasons NOT to take it.  I was at that time, a single mom with 4 kids under the age of 7, a 19 year old starting college in the fall and a 21 year old who had just got married and still lived at home.  My husband was taking the 4 littles for an overnight every other weekend at best.  I was barely scraping by financially and had no idea what my future held.  How could I, and more importantly why would I, bring a baby into this craziness?

Then, in June I started dating a man.  I told him about the possibility of taking the baby when I told him how many kids I already had.  I truly thought he would turn and run. I mean, I wouldn't blame him and I had already had it happen with another guy.  To my surprise, he didn't run and we were inseparable from that moment on.  He later met my kids and they all fell in love with each other.  We occasionally discussed the baby, but not in great depth yet.  I mean,  December was a lifetime away, right?

I had figured out by this point not to bring up the baby to my extended family at all.  They were absolutely not accepting of me taking another baby and were not bashful about the fact at all.  (I usually feel as though I was adopted or there may have been a mix up at the hospital because I am the only one in my family who knows how and when to hold my tongue.)  There had been several awkward meals and gatherings that ended in my in tears because they had told me what they thought of the idea and did not spare my feelings in the process.

In late fall, I was talking to my caseworker on one of her monthly visits at the house with Jayce (he was still in foster care at that time) when she asked me if I had heard from the birth mom.  I told her I had on occasion when she text for updates on the kids.   The caseworker shared that the mom had reached out to her and shared that she was pregnant and she knew that the baby would be taken away by DCFS as soon as it was delivered.  She mentioned that she was going to reach out to me and discuss my taking the baby so that all her kids could stay together.  She was having some difficulties with this pregnancy, due to her 4 previous c-section deliveries.  She was referred to a specialist and he had told her that he would be calling the DCFS hotline to report the delivery himself.

Within days, the mom reached out to me and asked if we could meet for lunch because she had something she wanted to discuss with me.  I told her my boyfriend was anxious to meet her too so we met one Sunday afternoon for lunch.  There was no hiding the fact that she was expecting.  She stands at about 5 foot nothing and usually weighs about 90 pounds soaking wet.  We discussed the pregnancy and the fact that this would be her last because they were doing a hysterectomy as soon as the baby was delivered due to severe scarring from the previous surgeries.  She expressed her wishes to have all her children together in the same home.

The next few months were probably the hardest months of my life. I mean, we always think that when we are going through hard times right?  Even sitting here typing this now, I can honestly say that this has been the hardest decision of my life.  What is one more kid when you have this many?  But, I am going to be doing this one alone.  I have never really been solely responsible for a kid before.  Is it fair to ask my older kids to help me?  They didn't sign up for this life, I did.  I know I can do hard things though, I am a strong, independent woman and this isn't my first rodeo.  What will a baby do to my new relationship with my boyfriend?  His only child is 19 years old.  What if he decides he doesn't want to start over?  What if the baby has medical or emotional problems?  I already have my hands full with the other 4 littles and their issues.  My ex just started taking the kids on a schedule and I am settling into not having the kids every other weekend, am I being selfish because I am starting to enjoy that alone time?  But, what about the baby?  She sure didn't ask to be brought into this situation.  Doesn't she deserve the same loving home that I have given to the other 4 littles?  But, maybe there be another home that might be able to provide a better life for the baby than I could?  This is the last one she can have, how do I turn my back on one?  How do I explain some day to my kids that they have a sister but I didn't want to be put out so I didn't take her.  Now, imagine a playlist of those thoughts (among others like it) on shuffle in your head daily.  Add to those all the comments from well intentioned friends and family.

Then, on November 8, 2018, I was at work about to finish up my day and head home when I got a call from my caseworker. I assumed it was something about Jayce or his adoption, but I was met with "Erica, this is the call you have been waiting on.  They baby is here!  Have you decided if you are going to take her?"  And just like that, without a thought or hesitation, I said "YES".

I know this life is not for everybody and I absolutely do not expect people to understand it.  All I can say is that it works for us and I know I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing with these children and all the other ones that have been in my home and have touched my life through this
journey in the foster system.

Makeup Primer Hack

I have a makeup primer hack for you guys.  I love Urban Decay's face primer but $36 for a 1 oz tube is not in my "single mom of 7 kids" budget.  Then one of my favorite instagramers told me about a comparable product that works just as well, if not better.  You are going to think I am crazy when you see the product, but I am serious, it is amazing.

Yes, in the words of my 19 year old daughter, I do put "coochie bits" cream on my face.  It is a powder gel so it is crazy smooth.  Want to know the bonus?  In the summer when I am dealing with chub rub in the thigh region, I can take care of that with the same product!  Don't take my word for it, grab a tube and try it for yourself and let me know what you think. 

This page contains affiliate links to products I recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. 

Homemade Granola in the Ninja Foodi

I love me some granola on my yogurt. I am also too cheap to buy the individual yogurts with granola that you can add. I have a tried and true recipe for granola but it bakes for an hour in the oven. Let’s just say, “ain’t nobody got time for that”!  I decided to try it in the Foodi. It turned out just as good and I cut the baking time considerably. Here is how I did it:

First I added the sugar, coconut oil and honey in the pot and set it to sauté on high. Just stir that until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Next, add the oats, cinnamon and salt. And stir until coated.

I then put the lid down and set it for the bake function and set it for 250 degrees and cook forn45!minutes stirring every 15 minutes. Spread it on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and let cool. Once it is cooled, break it up. I store mine in an airtight canister.

I like to eat mine on my yogurt but I would love to hear some other ways you use granola. 

1/2  cup brown sugar
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup 
4 cups quick oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt

Homemade Pizza in the Ninja Foodi

I picked up these pizza crusts at the grocery store today to try. I usuallylike the refrigerated kind that you just unroll and bake but they didn’t have any. I grabbed these and thought the kids might enjoy making their own. Then I had an idea, why couldn’t I cook them in the Foodi using the Air Crisp setting?  (Spoiler alert..... I’m a genius)

The little crusts fit perfectly in the crisper basket.

I set the Foodi on the Air Crisp setting at 400 degrees for 5 minutes.  They came out perfect!  The crust was crispy and they were the perfect size for the kids.

If you missed my post about the Ninja Foodi, check it out here

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The Christmas Gift that Keeps on Giving - My Ninja Foodi Review

*This page contains affiliate links to products I recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. 

My sweet children got me the absolute BEST Christmas gift this year.  Have you seen or heard about  the Ninja Foodi? It is a pressure cooker, slow cooker and air fryer all in one.  You can also saute, bake and steam in it.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I have used this thing almost every day since I got it.  I really struggle at meal time, especially now with another baby, to avoid eating out and cook at home. The struggle to plan meals that are healthy, economical for a single mom of 7 kids, and quick to prepare is a daily struggle.  So obviously, when I saw the Ninja Foodi I was intrigued.  I had thought about getting an Instapot and I had looked into an Air Fryer also.  I am so limited on counter and cabinet space in my kitchen, it just never seemed feasible for both appliances.  The Foodi seamed like the answer to my problems so I asked for one for Christmas.  I was SHOCKED when I actually got it!

I will not lie, I was so intimidated at first.  I have never used a pressure cooker before but have heard many horror stories over the years.  When I opened the box on Christmas day and saw the size of the instruction manual, I almost put it all back in the box and said "no thanks".  I pushed through though and thank the heavens I did.  I turned to Pinterest (because she never fails me) and found several recipes to try.  I'm telling you though, when I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes from start to finish in less than half and hour I was sold!

I am so glad that I had not purchased the Instapot instead because the extra things you can do with the Foodi because of the Air Fryer function are amazing.  For instance, when I cooked the potatoes and meatloaf on the pressure cooker setting for 10 minutes, the potatoes were ready to mash and the meat was cooked.  I took the potatoes out and added my ketchup glaze to the top of the meatloaf and set it on the Air Fryer setting for 5 more minutes while I mashed the potatoes and it browned the meat and glaze perfectly.

I would have had a hard time justifying the cost of the machine if it was not gifted to me, but I could have already payed for one with the money I have saved in one month of not running to grab fast food after 10+ hours on my feet and coming home to a bunch of hungry kids.

I have not come across any negatives about it, but I will keep using it and keep you posted.  I feel like I have just scratched the surface of what the Ninja Foodi is capable of doing.

Another Adoption in the Books

After 769 days in foster care, he is officially ours!  Yesterday was the day I have been waiting for for over 2 years now. This beautiful little boy came to us on Dec 1, 2016 and has brought so much joy to our lives every since. There were several times over the past year that I wasn’t sure if this day would ever come.

A few months after we signed paperwork stating our intent to adopt, my husband and I decided to separate. Ok, I decided to separate, he had no choice. I talked to our adoption worker, who had done our 2 previous adoptions, and she assured me that the separation would not be a problem in the adoption. My husband and I both still wanted to adopt together so it should be business as usual. So we started the adoption journey and agreed to hold off on any divorce proceedings until the adoption was done. That was in March, 2018.  Fast forward to the end of September, I get a call from the adoption caseworker which should be to tell me that the file is being sent back to our attorney and ready to set it for a court date.  Instead, it was one of the most devastating phone calls to date.  Our file was at the last place for approval before court and they rejected it. Even typing that word "rejected" tears at my heart.  They said we could not adopt together if we were separated.  Our only options were to have my husband move back in and refile all the paperwork to reflect that change or one of us would have to adopt as a single person and then do a separate adoption after that where we both adopt together.  The latter of the two seemed like the only viable option but when I called my husband and told him the news, it was clear that deciding who would adopt first was going to be an issue.  He blamed me for the whole thing falling apart.  "You couldn't just wait for the adoption to be over to separate?"

After a month and several attempts to sit down and come to an agreement with regard to the adoption, I was had called the adoption worker and left a message to tell her to just start the paperwork in my name alone since we could not come to an agreement and my husband was not willing to sit down and talk about it anymore.  She called me back the next morning and said that she had gotten word from her supervisor that the adoption had been approved after all.  And just like that, two months later, we were in court adopting our little boy.

Now on to the next challenge, settling the divorce.

What Have I Got Myself Into Now?